Benefit from strong marketplace integration

Sell on eBay, Amazon, DAPARTO & Co. - from one platform

Online marketplaces are the first choice for all traders, such as car parts dealers, to enter online trading quickly and easily. Established online traders also need to include online marketplaces in their online trading activities in order to benefit from the strong marketing presence and customer frequency. The aim is to reach customers where they search for products every day.

Speed4Trade Marktplatzanbindung

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for your marketplace integration

Integrate online marketplaces as additional sales channels

Via eBay, Amazon, DAPARTO & Co. dealers and manufacturers of the automotive aftermarket quickly generate a high reach and awareness and reach new customer groups. As with the online shop, however, it depends on professional integration and functioning processes in the background.

The integration platform Speed4Trade CONNECT offers interfaces to the largest and best-known online marketplaces in the world.

Marktplaetze anbinden mit Speed4Trade

Advantages of a central marketplace integration

All offers are centralized in one eCommerce software

Reduce maintenance effort

Centrally control marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, DAPARTO & Co.

Transfer extensive product ranges to marketplaces in a data-secure manner

B2B marketplaces

B2C marketplaces

Post offers automatically on marketplaces

List your product range on several sales channels at the same time. Speed4Trade CONNECT makes listing convenient through automated posting and ensures the quality of the transmission. Manual activities in the marketplace backend are now a thing of the past.

A central eCommerce system with integrated, consistent process flows ensures a considerable reduction in maintenance effort. With Speed4Trade CONNECT, you can also maintain and manage extensive product ranges with tens of thousands of articles and variants from one system.

Transfer sales offers quickly, automatically and securely to attractive trading platforms and online marketplaces.

Angebote automatisiert auf Marktplätzen einstellen

More sales power for your automotive business

Enter the online trade quickly and easily

Set up marketplace offers automatically

Easily serve international markets (e.g. via eBay and Amazon).

Use Amazon as the largest product search engine in the world

We are happy to be your long-term implementation partner for your marketplace integration

Verkaufsplanung und Listing in Speed4Trade CONNECT

Sales planning and automated listing

Sell on eBay, Amazon, DAPARTO & Co. - from one platform

Reach different customer groups with individual sales strategies. Customized listing templates in your corporate design as well as building blocks and placeholders for texts and product images are available to you for the creation of listings. Make all marketplace-specific settings for your products, such as categories, prices, payment methods, shipping costs or special attributes. The interactive stock reconciliation synchronizes stocks and quantity distribution across all marketplaces and other sales channels.

Effective product listing with Speed4Trade CONNECT

Order processing control

Speed4Trade CONNECT offers you a list in a central system: all orders can be filtered by marketplace. The integration platform automatically retrieves all orders placed in the online shop and marketplaces via interface. A basic prerequisite for the fast dispatch of goods.

Order processing centrally in one software

Steuerung der Auftragsabwicklung

Support for customer communication and aftersales processes

Unterstützung der Kundenkommunikation und Aftersales Prozesse
Speed4Trade CONNECT enables automatic communication with prospective customers and buyers, e.g. in the form of status messages. In the aftersales area, processes downstream of the purchase are handled and automated as far as possible. Use rating templates and define the time at which a positive rating is to be given to an eBay buyer. Topics such as cancelled orders or various discrepancies can also be found in this area, so that you always retain full control.

Benefit from Speed4Trade CONNECT and wide-reaching online marketplaces

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